
Can ignoring sleep problems lead to chronic pain?

Millions of people who suffer from chronic pain realize that it has at times robbed them of their sleep. There may be periods of time when the pain makes it more difficult to get comfortable or to get a proper night’s rest. In fact, sleep problems are a common issue for those who suffer from chronic pain. Now, new research suggests that sleep problems can actually lead to the chronic pain.


In an April 2016 issue of the journal PAIN, researchers reported that they studied sleep problems and chronic pain to see if there was a connection. They report that sleep problems have been shown to predict long-term onset of musculoskeletal pain in middle-aged adults (1).


The researchers also reported that sleep problems were associated with chronic pain, including musculoskeletal pain, headache, and abdominal pain. It is also associated with the pain severity and can be a predictor of chronic pain. They report that there was an increase in the musculoskeletal pain at a three-year follow up. Their findings for these associations were stronger in females than in males.


One part of their study found that teens ages 15-17 with impaired sleep suffered from chronic musculoskeletal pain two years later. They found the same results in studying middle-aged adults, concluding that sleep problems seem to predict the onset of chronic pain independent of life stage.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 50-70 million adults in the country have some type of sleep disorder (2). They also report that those with sleep disorders have a higher risk of chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and have an increased risk in mortality.


Those who have sleep problems or see them in their family members shouldn’t let it go ignored. With the research suggesting that a couple of years down the road it could lead to major health problems, including chronic pain, it’s imperative to address the problem successfully. Sleep is necessary for life and to be healthy. When we are lacking sleep, there can be major problems and dangers that arise. Those with sleep problems should take steps to alleviate the issue, such as establishing a good bedtime routine, and work with their doctor if they cannot correct the problem on their own.





  1. PAIN. April 2016 – Volume 157 – Issue 4 – p 957–963.>
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Insufficient Sleep is a Public Health Problem. <

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